Ever heard the phrase, a face only a mother could love? Well, that certainly applies to this hideous fish. Just take a look at it below and be the judge.
This very strange-looking fish washed up on shore. People were appropriately freaked out. So what exactly is this fish? Well, it’s called a long-nosed stargazer. Why the long face, right? Beach-goers discovered the fish buried face-up in Singapore. It had it’s mouth open, in shallow water, peering up as if to ask God, why?
That’s a bit dramatic, but when it comes to a creature like this, people tend to get a bit carried away. Dennis Chan shared a clip to Instagram that has gone viral. It definitely filled the curiosity gap for many. Chan opened up about what he knew about the fish. It wasn’t beached. It intentionally buried itself. It is also poisonous.
“An uncommon and fascinating sight, these quirky fish bury themselves in the sand with only their heads exposed, seemingly gazing at the stars while waiting for unsuspecting prey,” Chan told What’sTheJam. “They are similar to stonefishes and scorpion fishes, which means they also possess venomous spines that can deliver painful stings.”
Hideous Fish Gets Reactions
The fish stared at the camera, gulped water, and began to burrow itself deeper in the sand. There are more than 50 species of stargazers. People have found them in the Atlantic, Indian, and also the Pacific ocean. If you think this fish is gnarly, then one variant can produce electricity. Talk about ouch.
The caption read, “We found a Longnosed Stargazer on an Intertidal Exploration in Singapore! An uncommon and fascinating sight, these quirky fish bury themselves in the sand with only their heads exposed, seemingly gazing at the stars while waiting for unsuspecting prey.”
They continued, “They are similar to stonefishes and scorpionfishes which means they also possess venomous spines that can deliver painful stings!”
In response to the video, people had some thoughts about the fish. One wrote, “That’s scary as s—t what the f—k.” Another wrote, “I’d hate to see what a short-nosed stargazer looks like.” Yet another wrote, “There’s a strong urge to smack it with a shovel.” Still, another wrote, “When they say plenty of fish in the sea, this is what they look like.”